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河北纯树脂模克隆RX1805现货,上海生物兼容性模克隆RX1805资料,江西医疗级模克隆RX1805物性,江苏生物兼容性模克隆RX1805图片 |
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Makrolon® Rx1805 45118 科思创RX1805 医疗级透明紫色PC 生物兼容性,高温辐射杀菌
Making material strides with new TPU grades for healthcare applications
Biocompatibility, chemical resistance and clarity are just a few of the key properties that many healthcare applications demand. As we continue to bring innovative materials to the market, we introduced three new Texin® Rx thermoplastic polyurethane (TPU) grades that check these boxes and more
Makrolon® Rx1805 45118 科思创RX1805 医疗级透明紫色PC 生物兼容性,高温辐射杀菌
智能手机外壳上的全彩3D全息图像是手机原始设备制造商从竞争对手中脱颖而出的一种新方式。我们的Bayfol®HX105光敏光聚合物薄膜使韩国Hangyooholographic Co.,有限公司能够创建全息设计,可以直接集成到后盖和保护套中。
Cutting-edge smartphone branding: 3D holograms enabled by Bayfol® HX105
Full-color 3D hologram images on smartphone casings are a new way for mobile phone OEMs to stand out from competitors. Our Bayfol® HX105 light-sensitive photopolymer film enables Korea-based Hangyohologram Co., Ltd. to create holographic designs that can be directly integrated into back covers and protective cases.
聚碳酸酯是一种具有特混合性能的聚合物。Marklon Polyglass®聚碳酸酯实心板采用共挤工艺制造。它是一种塑料板,当耐久性和安全性与美学同等重要时,它是垂直、高架和倾斜玻璃的理想选择。